Find information buried across your executed contracts

Run a search for any clause in your contracts in under 3 seconds

Natural Language Search

AI-powered search puts contract data at your fingertips.
Find specific clauses, terms and obligations in seconds.
Ask questions in natural language for a simple, yet powerful experience.
Leverage the intuitive experience to get guided through answers.
Get deep insights into your contract data.

Instant Clause Comparison

See exact wording variations against standard provisions.
Quickly find and understand the details of changes made to a specific clause.
Simple, guided experience with redline to highlight variations.
Save time when analyzing contract data across your secure repository.
Generate a comparison report and export data in a click.

Centralised Obligations Management

Understand all your obligations and allocate work effectively
Reminders, audit trails and dashboards for full visibility.
Reduce the administrative burden managing contract obligations.
Organise, balance and efficiently manage workflow.
Enhance visibility and oversight across your contracts.

Machine Learning Powered Contract Labelling

Fast search, deep insights and comprehensive visibility
Dive deep into data about specific clauses and obligations.
Enable faster decision-making and work allocation.
Proprietary machine learning models make implementation seamless.
Supervised implementation ensures data accuracy and quality.

Robin AI Chat Integrated Seamlessly

Leverage Legal AI to analyze and find information in your contracts
Generate summaries of executed contracts in seconds.
Ask questions in natural language to deep dive into executed contracts.
Free up time in your team by finding information quickly.
Seek help with drafting, analysis, risk highlighting and more.

Connect Systems and Workflows

Create a single source of truth for your contract data
Organize and balance workflow in your legal department.
Get visibility and oversight across all your contracts and obligations.
Use integrations to automate workflows and document capture.
Fast and simple onboarding with Robin AI.

Spotlight on use cases for Robin AI Search

Many of Robin AI’s clients include the world’s largest global asset managers. There may be hundreds of side letters attached to each fund, making it difficult to identify and manage obligations across all these documents. Using powerful search in Robin AI, leaders in private markets can easily search for specific terms or clauses, and can export information from Robin AI to support other processes like the creation of MFN compendiums. After the closing of a fund, Robin AI can support legal and deal teams to make fast decisions about new opportunities, whilst ensuring that all obligations to investors are met.

Saving time and cost is critical for teams that need to move quickly, whilst ensuring that they maintain strong relationships with investors and regulators. Robin AI helps to ensure that all the important information is identified, and that deadlines are met effectively.

When prospective new or existing clients want to receive clear information about past business performance or on specific information about business policies, DDQs are a common medium for requests. With the ability to securely store all historically completed DDQs, Robin AI’s tools enable businesses to accelerate the turnaround of this documentation, reducing the time and burden on teams to prepare new sets of answers to DDQs each time. This can reduce the pressure on different teams to supply information, from Finance to HR, and ensures that strong client relationships are maintained.

Robin AI’s client GTIS Partners commented that using Robin AI’s powerful search had enabled their team to reduce the time to complete a DDQ from 5-10 days depending on the complexity of the documents, to just 1-3 days on average, all whilst improving potential relationships with their investors.

When managing hundreds of Supplier Agreements across the business, its common for legal teams to struggle to manage all the obligations and terms in documents. For contracts like Supplier Agreements, its common for terms like automatic contract renewals to apply, and there are often specific windows in which the business needs to provide notice if they no longer wish to continue a relationship with a particular supplier. Enabling legal teams to find all the automatic renewal clauses across all contracts is a quick and easy way for teams to stay on top of any business relationships. By enabling effective obligation management and coordinating reminders and tasks across teams, Robin AI can de-risk processes that might lead to costly business decisions (like missing an automatic renewal for a product that is no longer used by the business).

Focus on the strategic work you do best

Let Robin handle the rest